Dive into the Bible Every Day

Daily Bible Reading

The Bible is a collection of 66 books, written by over 40 authors, on a variety of topics. Reading the whole Bible can seem like an overwhelming task. And it’s probably the last thing anyone wants to do after coming back from vacation! We get it. It’s not just the best-selling book of all time—it’s also dense and filled with unfamiliar terms and stories that can be difficult to understand. But diving into the Bible should not be scary or feel like homework! It’s a privilege to read God’s Word; we should look forward to this time every day! Here are 7 tips for diving into the Bible that will make it easier for you:

Read the Bible like you talk to your best friend.

Reading the Bible feels different depending on what you’re looking for in the text. Are you looking for something to apply to your daily life? An answer to a challenging question? A comfort in a difficult time? The best way to get the most out of the Bible is to read it like you’re talking to your best friend — what would you ask them? What would you tell them? What would you like to hear from them? What do you appreciate about them? Read the Bible as if God were having a conversation with you: What is God saying to me through this passage? Why is this important to him? How does this apply to my life today?

Set a time and place to read.

When you eat, you set a time and place to do so. When you exercise, you set a time and place to do so. The same should be true for reading the Bible. If you’re like most people, you have a lot going on every day. You probably have a job or school, kids or other family members who rely on you, and a wide variety of church and community activities. You probably have very little time to read — and reading the Bible should be worth your time. Setting a time and place to read the Bible is essential because it makes the activity worth your time. If you try to read the Bible when there’s too much other stuff happening, you’ll be tempted to rush through it — and miss the point entirely. Setting a time and place to read forces you to prioritize reading the Bible over other things. It makes it a priority — a must-do. When that’s the case, you’ll likely read longer and more carefully than if you try to read the Bible whenever you have a free minute.

Don’t be afraid to skip around.

The Bible is not a novel or a story that needs to be read straight through. You don’t have to read the Bible cover to cover or sequentially to get the most out of it. You can flip to any page and begin reading! Some people prefer to read the Bible in the order it was written, while others like to read based on topic or some other criteria. However, you can also just pick a book and start reading. Maybe you’re interested in a certain story or passage in a certain book. Or you might prefer to read a book in order because it’s smaller or less intimidating. Whatever approach you take, don’t be afraid to skip around. Read the parts that interest you most. Read passages that apply to your life at the moment. Read the books that are easiest to access.

Ask questions as you read, and don’t be afraid to Google.

As you read, ask questions like: Why did the author write this? What was happening when this was written? What does this passage mean in the context of the book? You are reading the Bible so that you can understand it, not so that you can be tested on the information you glean from it. When you come across something that is unfamiliar, don’t be afraid to Google it. You’re reading the Bible for insight and wisdom, not to pass a test. You may be surprised at how much you can learn — and how excited you’ll be to keep reading!

Find the lessons that are most important for you and your life right now.

As you read, keep your eyes open to the topics and themes that are most important to you. What topics do you need to focus on right now? What would be most helpful to you right now? The Bible is a collection of books written over a wide range of time periods, by many different authors, on a variety of topics. You can’t expect to find only one thing in each book you read. There will be a lot of different things that apply to your life! The best way to find the things that are most important to you and your life right now is to immerse yourself in the Bible. Read a variety of books and topics. Read different passages and verses.

Celebrate the parts of the Bible you love, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential they may be.

Whether it’s a familiar story or passage, or a particular prophet or book, celebrate the parts of the Bible you love. They matter to you, and they may be the very thing that keeps you coming back to the Bible again and again. Celebrate the parts of the Bible that are easiest to love — the stories and people that are easy to understand and apply to your life. Celebrate the parts you can easily identify with. Celebrate the parts that give you hope — even when everything around you seems bleak. Celebrate the parts that remind you how great God is and how much he loves you. Celebrate the parts that make you laugh. Celebrate the parts that make you cry. Celebrate the parts that make you feel deeply connected to the human experience.

Be intentional about who, what, where and when you read.

When you read, ask yourself: Who wrote this? What were they like? Where did they live? What were their circumstances? What do I have in common with this author? This helps you to understand the passage better. And then, ask: What do I need to hear right now? What is God trying to tell me through this passage? What is the main point of this passage? Where is God leading me through this passage? What would I like to take away from this passage? What are the practical applications of this passage?


There are so many benefits to diving into the Bible every day, and these 7 tips will help you do it. Reading the Bible is a great way to start your day, and it will set you up for success for the rest of the day. There’s no better way to start your day than with God’s Word, and diving into the Bible every day will make a huge difference in your life.

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