How to Treat an Ingrown Fingernail

Ingrown fingernails are painful and inflamed. If the pain persists for more than a few days, has drainage, or is associated with infection, you should seek medical attention. There are several treatment options available for ingrown fingernails. This article covers a few of them. In addition to these home remedies, you can also try toe braces, surgery, and Hydrogen peroxide.

Tea tree oil

Ingrown fingers are painful, but you can use tea tree oil to treat them. It is an anti-fungal and antibacterial oil that can be applied topically. It may cause redness, burning, and stinging, so it is important to dilute the oil before applying it to the affected area. It is also recommended that you dilute the oil with 12 drops of a carrier oil. Moreover, it is important to use only 100 percent pure tea tree oil for this purpose.

In soaking your finger for 20 to 30 minutes, you can help the ingrown nail grow outward. You can also use warm water to reduce the pain and swelling. Then, apply an antibiotic ointment to the area. You can also place a bandage on the affected finger and remove the pressure with cotton or gauze. Once the ingrown fingernail is out, you can replace the bandage.

In addition to tea tree oil, you can apply a soaking solution to your fingernails. This remedy is best used a few times a week, and you can use it as a treatment for fungal nails. For the first couple of days, the ingrown fingernail will be tender to touch. However, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers to ease the pain while the infection is healing.

If you do have an ingrown fingernail, you should not worry. Most of the time, these home remedies will work in about a week. Depending on the severity of your ingrown fingernail, the home remedy may only help for a week or two. For chronic cases, it may take weeks or months to heal. However, if the condition persists, you may need to see a doctor.

If you’re experiencing a recurrent ingrown fingernail, you can use hydrogen peroxide as a treatment. This is an excellent disinfectant that can heal an ingrown fingernail. Dilute the solution to three percent and soak the fingernail in it for 15 to 20 minutes. The application of this solution will soften the skin around the ingrown fingernail and ease the pain. It will also help with any bacterial infection. You should dry your fingernail afterward.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural disinfectant and an effective treatment for an ingrown fingernail. A solution of about 3% hydrogen peroxide should be placed on the affected area and left for 20 minutes. The soak helps soften the skin around the fingernail and eliminates the pain. It also aids in healing an infection and helps to prevent the ingrown toenail from coming back.

The first step in a successful treatment is to remove the ingrown fingernail from the skin. You can do this by placing the hydrogen peroxide solution on the nail fold and using a cotton tube to gently lift it away from the skin. A cotton tube with a taped end can make the removal of the ingrown nail easier. Make sure that the cotton is thick enough to lift the nail away from the fold.

Another common solution for a mild case of an ingrown fingernail is Epsom salts. You can find Epsom salts at a drug store or grocery store. Add one to two tablespoons to a quart of warm water. Soak the affected foot in the solution for 20 minutes. Repeat this procedure a few times a day. The salts will help reduce the inflammation and reduce pain.

Apple cider vinegar is another popular solution for an ingrown fingernail. The vinegar’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties make it a popular remedy for a variety of ailments, including ingrown fingernails. Simply soak the affected foot in a warm solution of apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes per day. Remember to dry your feet well afterwards. You can also apply Hydrogen peroxide to your foot for faster healing.

If left untreated, an ingrown fingernail can lead to an infection and become painful. This type of infection can also result from poor foot care and improper shoe fitting. A doctor can prescribe an ingrown fingernail treatment that includes topical application of hydrogen peroxide. The treatment usually resolves on its own after a few weeks. However, if left untreated, ingrown fingernails can become infected and require surgical repair.

Toe braces

A non-surgical treatment for an ingrown fingernail is becoming increasingly popular due to the fact that it is generally less painful than surgical solutions. Non-surgical treatment involves the removal of a thin part of the nail. Unlike surgical procedures, non-surgical treatment requires no anesthesia. Toe braces for treating an ingrown fingernail are made of transparent braces that are placed over the edge of the nail, gradually causing it to lift upwards. They are designed to be removed after a few weeks.

The first step in treating an ingrown fingernail is to determine the cause of your problem. This may be as simple as using a bandage, applying an antiseptic cream, or simply lifting the nail edge. For mild cases, you may be able to use an over-the-counter cream or apply dental floss to the ingrowing nail. If you experience inflammation, your health care provider may recommend surgery. If you are unsure about the treatment option, a consultation with a podiatrist is recommended.

A toe brace is a device that is placed on the edge of the nail, hooking behind the corner of the nail. These braces lift the nail up slightly, allowing it to grow out from the edge of the skin. Some braces are glued on while others are simply stuck on. Toe braces are most effective when the ingrown fingernail is caused by poor hygienic practices.

A treatment for an ingrown toenail is important for preventing infection and minimizing discomfort. Home remedies may help in alleviating discomfort while you wait for a doctor’s appointment. But if you’re not sure that one of these methods is right for you, always seek the advice of a healthcare professional. The sooner you get treated, the faster you can enjoy life. And remember, the sooner you get treatment, the sooner you can avoid painful surgery.

Ingrown toenails are painful and embarrassing. Most people suffer from them. In some extreme cases, they can even lead to other serious health problems, especially for diabetics. Fortunately, there are many solutions available to help you overcome your ingrown fingernail. One way to cure an ingrown fingernail is by adjusting the length of the nail. This technique makes the nail shorter and allows it to slip sideways, allowing the substance to penetrate the lateral nail bed.


If conservative treatments for ingrown toenails have not been effective, you may want to consider undergoing surgery. If the condition is severe, conservative treatment is unlikely to work. A podiatrist will be able to help you choose the right treatment. The doctor will use special equipment to remove the ingrown toenail, and may also perform some simple repositioning. Once you’ve decided on a surgical treatment, you will be able to get your fingernail back into shape.

Ingrown nail surgery can improve your condition and prevent it from recurring. Certain factors may increase your risk of an ingrown fingernail, such as trauma to the nail, ill-fitting footwear, or fungal infections. In addition, you may be more susceptible to this condition if you suffer from a hereditary tendency for nail growth. Ingrown nails can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions, such as lung disease or circulatory problems.

After undergoing ingrown fingernail surgery, you will need to take appropriate precautions for a few days. Your footwear should be clean and dry, and you should avoid wearing flip-flops or other thong-style shoes for a couple of days. Also, you will likely need to change your dressing every few days. You will not need to adjust your diet or take antibiotics, but you may have to temporarily refrain from certain types of activities for a few days.

The surgical procedure involves cutting the edge of the ingrown fingernail. The cut section is then removed. This procedure, known as an onychectomy, is temporary and is usually performed in a physician’s office. Recovery time ranges from two weeks to two months. If the nail recurs after the procedure, your doctor can perform a procedure called a phenol injection that will regenerate the nail matrix.

Although surgical procedures for ingrown fingernails are rarely necessary, there are some cases when conservative treatment will not suffice. In stage one of the condition, conservative management is the best course of action. While minor surgical procedures are effective, they can cause short-term pain and disability and are often not recommended. For this reason, conservative management is a good option when you don’t have any other options. In this situation, surgery is often the last option.