Is It Love or Lust? 4 Signs You’re Not Feeling It

Is It Love or Lust 4 Signs You're Not Feeling It

Don’t sweat it if you can’t tell the difference between love and lust right away. Many of us have trouble differentiating between the two because they both involve strong emotions and physical attraction. Both are intense feelings that can develop quickly, but there are some subtle differences that will become more apparent as you get to know your partner better. If you’re currently dating someone new or just started seeing someone, it’s a good time to figure out whether what you feel is love or lust. Both are natural human desires, and there’s nothing wrong with either. The problem comes when one or both partners mistake their feelings for something else. If you’re not sure if your feelings for this person are love or lust, read on for some signs that might help you figure it out sooner rather than later.

Know the Difference Between Love and Lust

You may think you know the difference between love and lust, but if you’re not sure, then chances are you don’t. The problem with mistaking lust for love is that lust is a fickle emotion that can fade in and out, while love is a more stable, long-lasting emotion. If you think you’re in love with someone but it feels more like lust, then chances are your emotions will fade as time goes on. You can also distinguish between love and lust by checking your intentions. If you want to be with this person because you want to possess them and you’re willing to do anything for them, then it’s probably lust. On the other hand, if you want to be with this person because you want to grow with them, learn from them, and share your life with them, then it’s most likely love.

You Feel Excited, Not Hopeful

A big difference between love and lust is that love is hopeful while lust is full of expectation. If you’re in lust with someone, then you may feel excited to be with them, but excited is not hopeful. Lust is also marked by an expectation of what this person can do for you. You’re hoping this person will fix your problems and make you happy. When you’re in love, you’re hopeful for what this person can add to your life. You’re hoping this person will become an important part of your life and help you become a better version of yourself. You may feel hopeful about your future with this person, but hopeful is different than excited because hopeful has no expectations or demands.

You Feel Good About Yourself, Not Shamed

Another difference between love and lust is that love helps you feel good about yourself, while lust causes you to feel shame. If you’re in lust, you may feel attracted to someone because you view them as beautiful and worthy of you. But this admiration makes you feel ashamed of yourself because you feel that you don’t measure up. On the other hand, if you’re in love with someone, then you’ll feel good about yourself. You’ll admire your partner but feel no shame because you don’t feel the need to prove anything to him, her, or anyone else. Love causes you to feel confident in your own skin and gives you a higher opinion of yourself.

Your Desire Is Irrational

Another difference between love and lust is that love is rational while lust is irrational. When you’re in love, your desires are rational because they make sense. You desire to be with this person and nurture your relationship because you love them and want the best for both of you. If you’re in lust, then your desires are irrational. You want to be with this person and have sex with them even though it doesn’t make logical sense. You may be drawn to this person because they’re beautiful or because they’re famous, but that doesn’t make sense. You may also desire this person even though you have no intention of starting a relationship with them. All of this is irrational and not the signs of love.

The Thought of Being With This Person Makes You Nauseous

Another difference between love and lust is that love makes you feel happy, but lust makes you feel nauseous. Love gives you warm, fuzzy feelings and makes you feel like you could float above the clouds. Lust, on the other hand, causes you to feel sick and even repulsed. You may have so many conflicting emotions and thoughts about this person that you’re repulsed by your own feelings. Lust is a fickle emotion that can make you feel like you’re going insane. You’ll have feelings for this person one day and feel repulsed by them the next. This is normal for lust, but not for love. When you’re in love with someone, you feel like you could conquer the world.


If you’re currently dating someone new or just started seeing someone, it’s a good time to figure out whether what you feel is love or lust. Both are natural human desires, and there’s nothing wrong with either. The problem comes when one or both partners mistake their feelings for something else. If you’re not sure if your feelings for this person are love or lust, read on for some signs that might help you figure it out sooner rather than later. If you’re not sure if you’re in love or lust, then you’re not alone. Many people make this mistake, and it’s important to figure out which one it is as soon as possible. In order to tell the difference between love and lust, you need to know what they are in the first place. Love is an intense feeling that makes you want to be with someone and share your life with them. It involves being open, honest, and vulnerable with someone, and it’s not something that happens overnight. Lust, on the other hand, is a desperate desire to be with someone because you’re attracted to them and the emotions that come along with that.