Common Job Interview Questions And Answers

If you are getting prepared for an interview with a new company, one of the common interview questions that you will probably be asked is “What do you like about your past work?” Most employers want a candidate who can show them a history of growth and improvement within the company. The same goes for other employers. So, when you go into your interview thinking about what you will say, it’s important to come up with answers that will convince the company that you are a positive addition to their workforce.

common interview questions

Well, as you plan for your interview, you might be thinking about what questions the interviewer will ask you specifically. If you have any experience in a specific industry, you might be more prepared for the interview than someone without experience. But, if you do not, don’t worry. Just keep in mind the general questions you will be asked during the interview. And, if you are asked those, prepare answers to those questions. You can build strong talking points to make an impressive impression on your next interview.

The first common interview question is about your references. This question is particularly important because some people will mention their references in their cover letters and resume. If they aren’t very clear in their references, you will not know what to say in response.

Another common interview question is about your career goals. This question usually has two answers: you can state that you hope to get hired at your current company, or that you want to work for the CEO of the company you have worked for the last several years. There is also a third answer: you can state that you want to work for a company that specializes in a particular field. Again, depending on how specific you are with your answers, this can be very hard to prepare for.

During the interview, the interviewer might ask you a few other questions. For example, he or she might want to know what you are currently learning about your field. Or, the interviewer might want to know how long you have been doing the job you want to work in, what type of business you run, and what your personal qualities are. If you are asked these types of questions, it’s important to show them how impressive you are in a particular area so the interviewer can feel comfortable hiring you.

The last common question is “What are your future plans?” In this question, you are looking to impress the interviewer so much that you will have a better chance of getting hired. But, the question could be too broad, so you need to have specific answers for this one. It’s fine to say that you hope to be an executive chef, but you should also mention some of your current interests as well. If you’re applying for a job in an engineering firm, mention your favorite hobbies and work experiences, and where you think you’ll be in 5 years or so.

These are just some of the many common interview questions that you will be asked during an interview. Don’t worry, however, because you are not required to give every answer. Instead, simply have an overview of your goals, and answer these questions and leave the rest. for the interviewer.

The more prepared you are for interview questions, the better off you’ll be in answering them. After the interview, the interviewer will be happy that you answered every question accurately. and honestly. Your job in the interview will be made easier if you do so.

There are many common interview questions that you might expect to hear asked. It is essential to prepare in advance of your interview so that you do not miss out on any opportunities to impress your prospective employer. However, the question “What is the most common interview question that will be asked?” is a little more tricky to answer.

Whilst there is no way to predict what questions will be asked, there are a number of popular interview questions that you might expect to be asked during the interview process. To help you prepare for common interview questions, consider some easy to apply techniques.

Job titles: Job titles are a frequently asked question at interviews as they help to identify the position in question. So, clearly outline the purpose of the position in question, and clearly define the duties of the position.

Experience: Another commonly asked question is “tell me about yourself and your experiences”, which is very simple to answer as an example of one of the most common interview questions. The best way to answer this question is to discuss your skills, experiences and achievements that are relevant to the job position.

Previous projects: Often employers ask applicants to describe their previous projects. This is one of the most common interview questions that you should always answer truthfully. Showing previous projects which have been successful will definitely demonstrate a degree of responsibility and dedication to your role. Try and avoid mentioning any previous project which has not had success, this will show a lack of commitment and professionalism.

References: The employer will always ask for references from your previous employers. Although you may be required to provide references in the initial application process, in most cases it is a requirement for interview. It is also worth highlighting a few references that are particularly relevant to your job role.

References: One more common interview question is, “Can you tell me about some of your strengths and weaknesses”. This is often a question which is used to check your commitment to the role as an employee, and is a good opportunity to demonstrate to your potential employer that you are committed to the company.

When you are preparing for any interview, it is essential to think through all the interview-related questions and ensure that you have answered them correctly. Even if the employer is prepared to go over these questions with you beforehand, you will still need to prepare your answers and have written answers ready so that you don’t forget to answer them.

Another common interview question is, “tell me about yourself and where you want to be in six months”. If you know that you want to be promoted within the company, or want to be moved up to the next level of management within your organisation, it is possible to answer this question in a straightforward manner by outlining the benefits you have already received and what areas you would like to focus on.

Some of the most commonly asked questions include, “what do you see yourself doing in a few years’ time?” and “what can you bring to the organisation?”. The answers to these questions are usually quite vague but will often reveal your future career plans.

Another common interview question is, “tell me about yourself and your family”. This is perhaps the most important interview question you will be asked. and it is an opportunity to highlight any special qualities that you may have which make you unique from the other candidates.

Some interview questions are more difficult than others. However, when interviewing for your current job, answering these questions is not always impossible, but it does require a bit of thought and preparation. For instance, if you want to be promoted within the organisation, you will almost certainly need to answer questions such as “tell me about your leadership style and how you feel that your leadership style would benefit the organisation”.

Other common interview questions are probably more difficult than others. In the job interview process, it is important to have an overall perspective about the organisation, the company, and the position you wish to apply for and how well the position fits in with the organisation.

Common interview answers and questions. Here is a sample of common interview questions, followed by answers for those questions.

Who is your name? – This question is a very simple but important one. Tell your name in full, so the interviewer can find you. Example: John Smith

How long have you been employed by this company? – When answering this question it is always best to give a little background information and to also tell the interviewer what the company is all about.

How many years have you worked at this position? – There are many jobs within this company and when interviewing the candidate for a particular job, ask the employer questions that focus on how many years you have worked there. Try to get the job interview down to just a few minutes. Tell the interviewer this in your opening statement.

Where did you live when you were working at this company? – For this question the interviewer is looking to know your social circle. Be sure you tell the interviewer what your social circle consists of and how you interact with your colleagues. You should also be able to provide this information in your resume and cover letter.

Who do you work for? – What do you do? – If you work for an hourly basis or for a commission based job, explain this information in your resume and cover letter. Make sure you tell the interviewer where you work and the type of salary you make. Make sure to list your job title, job description and work duties.

How long were you employed by this company? – If you are interviewing for a regular position, try to ask the employer if they can provide a number of years. If you are interviewing for a managerial position, try to ask how long you have been employed there. It is always better to give more than ten years, but less than twenty, since you will not be able to provide any information regarding the specific dates of your employment.

Most common interview answers start with a question that focuses on their expertise or position and then go on to discuss their work experiences. They may ask you if you would like to work with this person in the future. You need to be ready to answer yes to both questions, unless the employer specifically states that you are required to avoid discussing past positions. If you do not know this information, it is okay to say no.

Is it okay to say that you will take this current job without having to do all of the interviewing for the position? – When you say you are going to take this job without having to do all of the interviewing, it is not necessarily an indication that you are not interested in the job or do not have the right personality for the position. Many employers may need to interview you before you become available for job openings.

Do you have a work schedule that you can provide for the employer? – You need to be able to provide a detailed list of your work schedule to the employer. as well as any other details that might be required. for this type of position.

Have you ever considered working abroad? – If you are currently working in a country other than the United States, the employer may ask you if you have ever considered working there. There may be specific requirements that you need to fulfill to be eligible for a position such as a higher pay scale.

These are some of the most common interview questions that you will likely be asked. The employer does not want to waste their time with questions that you do not understand. and will avoid them if possible.

Below are some of the job interview questions with practical answers

  1. Can you tell me something about yourself? This is a very common interview question in almost 100% at a time. Let us assume you are applying for Financial Accountant position. Your answer should be… “I have a combined 10 years of experience in the field of financial reporting and analysis, budgeting, forecasting and financial planning. The reason why I am passionate about this role is because of the opportunity providing reports to the management which is a privilege for me. My goal now is to join a dynamic environment where I can grow more in this field.
  2. Why we should hire you? You need to highlight your unique capabilities or your achievement in your previous job. Let us say you are applying for a salesman, you can answer in this way… “You should hire me because I have doubled our sales during my stay with my previous employer. I have done this by consistently coordinating with sales team as well as with the customers.
  3. Why do you want this job? You must be passionate about the position you are applying for. Identify key factors that make the role a great match for you. Assuming you are applying for a Call Center Agent, you answer should be… “I love customer care and support because I love the human interaction and the satisfaction that comes from helping someone solve a problem.”
  4. What is your greatest strength? Here you need to highlight a character or skill that satisfies your job well. For example, if you applying for Finance Manager, you can say… “One of my greatest strength is attention to detail being able to provide reports with high degree of accuracy and reliability. I do this by checking and rechecking my reports before submission.
  5. What is so far your greatest achievement to date? You just need to describe a task where you have done an exceptional job. Assuming you are applying for Accountant position, your answer should be… “In 3 weeks, I streamlined the accounting process, which saved my group 20 person-hours each week and reduced errors on invoices by 30%.
  6. How do you handle pressure? This is again one of the common interview questions which is tricky. If you are applying for Office Staff, you should answer this way… “Whether you believe it or not but I work better and more productive when I am under pressure. For me pressure is a normal part in the workplace and I believe that working in a challenging environment, it will unleashed that best of you.
  7. What is your management style? Let us assume you are applying for Operations Manager position, you can say… “As a Team Leader, I trust my team and I will make sure that there is dedication and teamwork in the department. I will make clear goals and outline our overall goals. Most of all, I will always make myself available for help and assistance to the team as the need arises.
  8. Why are you leaving your current job? You must be very careful about this interview question. Answers like you are not satisfied with salary or with your boss is a big “NO”. Let us say you are applying for Financial Analyst position, you can say… “I love my current job but because I want more challenge in the field of financial analysis, I really need more exposure where I can contribute more to the overall objectives of the organization.
  9. How do you see yourself five years from now? Well you can answer this assuming you are applying for IT Analyst… “Five years from now, I see myself not in the same position but I believe I will be assuming a more challenging and higher position in the department.
  10. What motivates you? You need to highlight the type of work you are passionate about. For example, you are applying for Sales Engineer job, you can say… “I am very motivated in coordinating with my sales team to increase our sales target on a regular basis. I have the passion in motivating my team to hit our target every time.
  11. What is your ideal job? To answer this question, you need to ensure you focused on your major responsibilities related to what you are applying for. Let us assume that you are applying for Accounting Assistant position, you can say… “My ideal job is recording financial transactions on timely basis ensuring accuracy and reliability. I really wanted a job that will give me more challenges and grow more in my field of expertise.
  12. How do you handle conflict in your workplace? Make sure your interviewer that you are a good listener who can accept different views without getting disappointed. You can say… “I remain calm with positive attitude during a conflict situation. I strive to listen to the other person’s point of view without becoming defensive. I also attempt to move the confrontation to a private space to avoid further complications.
  13. What is your goal in the future? The hiring manager will test if you will gonna stay with the company in the long-run. Let us assume you are applying for Operations Manager, you can say… “My goal is to develop more my expertise in improving operational effectiveness and efficiency to continuously hit our sales target and even beyond expectations.”
  14. What is your asking salary? This is probably the toughest common job interview questions to ever faced by a job hunter. Most job hunters cannot get the job because their asking salary is too high. That is why it is important to research about the job salary market salary standard so you can have the basis for a salary range. Assuming you are applying for a Executive Secretary, you can say… “I believe my salary expectation are based on my experience and qualifications and I am open for negotiations.”


There are many more common interview questions which either technical or behavioral depending on the interviewer. Based on my experience as an employee for the last 20 years, the above common interview questions can literally help you find the best job that you ever dreamed of. The key here is practice and take a deep breath before your interview.