Conservative SoCal School Board Targeted by Newsom Now Sued by Teachers Union Over CRT Ban

Guest post by David Greyson

With a common sense-minded approach, the Temecula Valley School District in Southern California banned critical race theory (CRT) instruction in a 3-2 vote from the board.

As a result, the teachers union filed a lawsuit with the support of some parents.

Fox News reported:

The Temecula Valley (California) School District’s board is facing legal challenges over a ban on critical race theory instruction after its then-new conservative majority voted 3-2 to end the allegedly divisive curriculum in its schools last December.

“The vague Resolution hinders Temecula educators’ ability to teach State-mandated content standards, prepare for the coming academic year, and support rather than stifle student inquiry. In turn, Temecula students are deprived of the opportunity to engage in factual investigation, freely discuss ideas, and develop critical thinking and reasoning skills,” the lawsuit reads.

“While harming all schoolchildren, the Resolution in particular injures children of color and LGBTQ children, stigmatizing their identities, histories, and cultures.”

“Law firm Public Counsel and the law firm Ballard Spahr filed the suit on behalf of Temecula Valley Educators Association — a local teachers union — that joined forces with parents and students against the board, alleging the ban on CRT curriculum is “unconstitutional” and, according to the complaint, “infringe[s] on Temecula schoolchildren’s fundamental right to an education, causing them irreparable harm.”

It is not surprising that a teachers union would file such a suit considering they are controlled by the most extreme leftists of the Democrat party.

Since public schools are literally funded by taxpayers, it would seem the logical choice would be to have a curriculum that is free of such biases. Preventing indoctrination does not appear to cause any irreparable harm (if anything, the opposite would be true), and an argument of the ban being unconstitutional seems to be a stretch.

On a related topic, Fox News also discussed a California math program that focuses on social justice: “Critics are calling it woke math. The new framework includes nearly 200 mentions of the words equity and social justice. It tells teachers to make their lessons culturally relevant and empowering. What about you know, the actual math part?”

It goes to show just how far the state of California will go to alter a subject that is practical and absolute in nature.

This is not the first time that the Temecula Valley school district has come under fire.

Enter Gavin Newsom.

Conservative school board members at Temecula Valley Unified recently caved and approved a curriculum that mentions a gay rights activist who sexually assaulted a minor teen boy after Governor Newsom threatened to crush them with a $1.5 million fine.

Last month Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom fined the school district $1.5 million for rejecting textbooks that mention Harvey Milk, a gay rights activist who sexually assaulted minor teen boys.”

Harvey Milk reportedly sexually assaulted teen boys.

One of Harvey Milk’s teen rape victims went on to commit suicide.

So as a result of the fine, the school board approved the curriculum to avoid the fine.

It would appear that bullies sometimes wear suits and look polished, but that does not change their character.

The post Conservative SoCal School Board Targeted by Newsom Now Sued by Teachers Union Over CRT Ban appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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