Does God loves me?

Does God loves you

Does God loves me – a question many people ask even for those Christians. An intimate relationship with God is unlike any other relationship you’ve ever had. God is a different kind of affection for you. This love is unconditional (not contingent on you meeting certain criteria). God loves you because He loves you.

“In this, the God’s love was revealed to us, and that God sent His Son to the earth So that we could live by His Son. And this is love. not that we love God but that God loved us so much.” (1 John 4:9,10)

God does not choose to love you based on your actions. There’s nothing you can do to influence God to cherish you higher than He already loves you. And there is nothing you can do to make God to be in love with you less. God loves you even more than you love yourself.

So far, you’ve probably only experienced love that was conditional. It is based on your actions. Do your best on the job or on the team or in your relationship, and you’re “loved.”

By committing your life to Christ and accepting Him as your Savior, you’ve found complete affection and acceptance. This may be difficult to understand if you’ve never felt completely welcomed and loved by anyone. It’s true that you may not always believe that God has a special relationship with you. There will be moments that you feel like you’re doubting not just His love but also His very existence. You’ll want to give up. Don’t.

When God gave you a brand new life, it wasn’t dressed in lace and smell of perfume. Jesus started His journey in a damp, smelly stable. Jesus tasted the real world and that’s the essence of your experience with Christ. No magical, but the assurance of His presence in your life.

God affirms “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

There’s an old Danish proverb that says “The next mile is the only one a person really has to make.” The fact that God is a loving God keeps you going in the event that the next mile appears inexplicably long: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

Our faith is built on the truths God has given us about Himself. He has specifically asked us to trust and depend on His unconditional affection for us:

“…the Lord loves those who trust in Him, who place their trust in His unfailing love.” (Psalms 47:11).

“…the Lord is watching over those who are in His presence and those who trust in his unconditional love.” (Psalms 33:18)

To increase your appreciation of the love of God to you, spend time in the next few days and go through Psalms 103. Also, 1 John 4 and John 15. Take note of the various ways God’s love is expressed.