How to Be Strong in the Lord

Strong in the Lord

Strong in the Lord refers to the quality of being empowered by God to overcome challenges. It is a virtue that comes from obeying God and praying in the Spirit. The Bible is filled with examples of how people have been strengthened by God when they were facing difficulties. For example, Samson, a young man who was captured by the Philistines and forced into labor, prayed to God for strength to kill the Philistines.


Strength in the Lord is a spiritual quality that comes from trusting in God. It is a combination of divine love, grace, and peace. The word strength in the Bible generally refers to a person’s faith in God, and how they live their lives in accordance with His revealed standards. This type of strength is accompanied by many non-physical qualities, such as courage and peace.

Strength in the Lord gives believers the courage to minister to others, face persecution, and overcome death. The strength that God gives us is evident in many of His works. For instance, He created the world by His word, caused the sun to stand still, and raised the dead. Psalm 150:2 praises God for these amazing works of power.

When the Lord is called on to perform a task, we need to trust him fully and act in accordance with His word. The psalmist’s faith in God is his strength. It is important to remember that no man is equal to God, and he alone can help us overcome.

God can protect us against the schemes of the devil. He has already disarmed rulers, overcome authorities, and raised Jesus from the dead. Through His power, God can enable us to take up our cross and walk in His ways. A powerful situation faced by David in 1 Samuel 30 makes the Bible clear that God will be our strength.


Power is a key word in the Bible. It is used to describe both God and man. God is the source of all power, and His kind of power is evident in creation. It is also the only explanation for the virgin birth of Jesus. God gives power to people and structures. For example, in the gospel of Luke, the word “power” occurs twenty times. Of these twenty times, eight of the verses relate to Jesus’ miracles.

God gives power to believers through Christ. That power enables us to resist temptation and overcome evil. It allows us to serve others and obey God. It also enables us to be courageous in war. God promises us power, and He has given us His Spirit. We can be bold in the face of danger and use God’s power to bring victory.

In Romans 1:16, Paul describes the Christian life as being a divine empowerment. When a believer is united with Christ, he is delivered from sin and introduced to resurrection power. This enables the Christian to live in holiness and become a powerful person. Power is a key word in the gospel, and Paul’s imagery of it in Romans is powerful. In fact, dunamis, the Greek word for power, is similar to the word “dynamite” in English.


In Philippians, the apostle Paul writes of the joy of the Lord as he was confined in a Roman prison. He was being belittled by fellow Christians, and the Judaizers were trying to seduce him. Yet the book is bursting with joy. Paul commands believers to rejoice in the Lord at all times. This is not the joy of a naturally upbeat personality or of circumstances. Rather, joy is a genuine response to the Lord’s mercy and grace.

Joy in the Lord will give you strength to endure life’s trials and difficulties. It will give you a hope of better things ahead. When you feel a sense of joy in the Lord, it is a joy to be around. The power to do so comes from God, not from you, and is a gift from God to you.

The presence of the Holy Spirit is also associated with joy. Galatians 5:22 lists joy as one of the fruits of the Spirit. Likewise, Acts 13:52 mentions the disciples filled with joy. And in Romans 15:13, joy is mentioned in conjunction with peace and hope. The apostle Paul praises the Thessalonians for receiving the gospel despite much tribulation.

This verse refers to the children of Israel who were returning from the exile. They were listening to the law being read and were overcome with a sense of condemnation. They were the people of God, but had been separated from Him during their exile. But this time, they were reunited with God.

Obeying God

Obeying God is the key to success in life. It is an act of submissiveness, and if you want to be a strong Christian, you must submit to the will of God. In this way, you can live in complete victory and success. In addition to this, obedience leads to good health and prosperity.

Obeying God also makes you a terror to your enemies. While we may not understand his requests, we should still obey him because we want to live in the peace of God. When we obey the Lord, we are rewarded with peace and joy. This is the only way we can grow and live strong in the Lord.

The Bible defines perfect faith as faith accompanied by action. This means obedience to God’s word. Faith without action is blind faith, and obedience is the visible expression of invisible faith. Adam’s disobedience broke God’s trust in him, and the relationship between the two was broken.

In the Old Testament, the words “obedience” are often translated as “hupaqoe.” The Old Testament’s language reflects a tone of subordination and reverence. It also carries a sense of trust. It is important to seek God’s counsel before making decisions.

Paul’s apostleship is intended to produce faith that produces obedience. By faith, we have faith in God and are able to trust Him. This is why we must obey Him. Otherwise, we won’t be able to trust Him. He is our only trustworthy source of wisdom and strength.

A prophet who obeys the voice of the Lord is a powerful person. He knows the voice of God, and he obeyed it, even when it was uncomfortable. As a result, he was able to succeed as king. Moreover, he was a strong leader, and he brought the nation to its knees by obeying the voice of the Lord.

Fighting the devil

As a Christian, you are not alone in your battle against the devil. He is a powerful enemy, and he will use various tactics and stratagems to win over you. For instance, he can make you confused, discouraged, and even commit moral failure and doctrinal error. As a Christian, you must learn how to deal with these attacks and be aware of the weapons the enemy will use.

First of all, you should know the enemy’s goals. While the devil is powerful, he is not human and he only seeks to destroy. He speaks from his own character, and it is his desire to make you feel inferior to others. Ultimately, you must learn to fight the devil with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible teaches us that we are unable to fight the devil alone.

The Bible teaches that we belong to two families, one of which is the family of Christ and the other is the world of Satan. Therefore, it is vital to know which family you belong to. By fighting the devil with the power of God, we can keep ourselves and our loved ones free of sin and temptation.

Second, the Bible teaches us how to combat the devil through the Word of God. God’s Word is the greatest weapon in heaven, and you must equip yourself with it. You should also wear the full armor of God. You cannot defeat the devil with only one or two pieces of armor. And remember, God’s Word is true both now and into eternity. So, be bold and stand firm in the Lord and you’ll have victory.