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How To Get More Business

get more business

More business keeps businesses alive and helps them grow. Here are some tips on how to achieve this.

Win Over New Customers

In business, you simply never know when one of your largest clients will decide to bail or cut back, which will result in a quick drop in your income. Even though you can’t always control these things, it is possible to protect yourself and your business by always continuously getting more customers.

Many business owners get very comfortable with the way their business is run and how they get leads. However, if you take the time to try new and different approaches, it is possible that you will experience even better results. With an increase in customers you will see an increased workload, manage this with a scope of work template. We will now take a look at how you can increase your efforts.

Constantly & Consistently Nurture Your Leads

It is no secret that networking takes a lot of energy and time. However, once you meet a new lead, the very worst thing you can do is to simply get distant or go cold. Even if the lead is not ready to become a full customer, you should still take the time to keep the lead warm.

One great way to consistently nurture your leads is to do drip campaigns. According to James Scherer who is an expert marketer, you can use a 4:1:1 strategy for emailing and nurturing those leads. Basically, you start off by sending 4 interesting and educational emails to your leads, then you send 1 transitional email and 1 closing email to get them to convert into a customer.

Again, according to Scherer, you should try to continuously communicate with your leads and make sure and provide value so that they trust you. Then, when you do show them your service or product, they will have a relationship with you and will actually believe that your product can help them.

This is just one particular way to nurture your leads. There are many other things you can do when it comes to getting leads in person, on social media, via text etc. Therefore, you should take the time to look for particular methods that are suitable and actually work for your particular business and make sure to continuously nurture them so that they don’t get cold.

Call Tracking

When it comes to nurturing your leads, there are many things that can go wrong that can make them go cold. You should always strive to reduce friction when it comes to contact with your leads.

One great way to do just that is to have call tracking. This is quite effective since it helps you to keep track of all of your callers, quickly route your calls and get insights for your team.


You should develop a strategy to get referrals since it is not sufficient to get referrals from your current contacts or customers.

Basically, whenever you have a conversation with a customer, this one person can lead to many more potential customers. You should never be afraid to ask for referrals or introductions, no matter how scary it may be.

In order to get over the fear, you should just do it without thinking. According to Marc Wayshak, you won’t lose any current business by simply asking, however, you can lose a lot of potential business if you fail to ask.

Don’t Settle

Sadly, there are lots of businesses that are happy to settle for average whether they intend to do so or not. Lots of small business owners are happy with their current clients and don’t do very much to get even more clients. These business owners think they are operating at capacity and can’t take on more clients. However, this is usually not true and these business owners are simply not interested in doing more work to get new clients consistently.

So, you should never be one of these businesses that is happy with being average. Even though your present sales techniques get results, you should always look for other ways to get more leads and customers.