Nintendo: Top 10 SNES Games That You Should Try Right Now

The Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES was one of the first platforms that added greatness to the game industry. Below are the top ten best SNES games that you can play on your Nintendo Switch.

best snes games

Final Fantasy VI

One of the best SNES games on the list is Final Fantasy VI. It is introduced as Final Fantasy III in the West. Much different from its title, this game is focused not only on fantasy but also on science fiction.

This game is one of the RPGs you should not miss in terms of themes and settings. It is packed with fourteen playable characters, each with a unique storyline. This game is the best from the popular series, Final Fantasy.

Mega Man X

Mega Man X is an action-packed SNES game featured with fast-paced and intense gameplay. What makes this game exciting is the loud rock music, which gets your blood pumping. As you play the game, you will meet varying levels of difficulty. It also comes with hard-to-beat bosses like Sting Chameleon and Chill Penguin.

Chrono Trigger

Square originally developed Chrono Trigger with the help of some of the most well-known people in the industry. This game became a total world-class. Even though the release of this RPG into the SNES world is a little late, it still became one of the most popular video games of all time.

Chrono Trigger’s storyline is all about the historical quest of a boy. This game is packed with thirteen different ending stories, which makes it very interesting to play. This list would not be possible in terms of action and adventure if Chrono Trigger is not present.

Super Mario Kart

One of the best classic games throughout history is Super Mario Kart. Despite having Mario Kart right now, this original SNES game deserves a treat. If you are looking for a fun yet exciting game, you should try this one out.

Tetris Attack

Tetris Attack was originally named Panel de Pon and only exclusive in Japan. Years later, it evolved and became one of the best puzzle games of all time. The competitiveness of this SNES game is addicting because it features a multiplayer mode.

Final Fantasy IV

Released as Final Fantasy II in the West, Final Fantasy IV is an excellent SNES game that changed the series’s pace. The creators packed some additional new elements that make this RPG a big hit in the industry.

Final Fantasy IV follows the story of two knights, namely Cecil and Dragoon, who were separated from one another. The storyline turned up to be more exciting with some characters like Rosa, Rydia, Palom, and Porom. The goal of the protagonists is to keep the world safe from Golbez.

Super Mario RPG

Super Mario RPG is the foundation for the modern Mario RPGs, namely, Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario. The first game allowed Mario, the game’s protagonist, to work with Bowser, the main antagonist, which made the fans like it more.

Star Fox

When it comes to graphics, Star Fox is the best on the list. Despite having heavy games with extreme graphics nowadays, the 3D display of this classic game is still astounding. It follows action-pace gameplay featuring different planet locations inside the Lylat solar system.

The background music, as well as the difficulty level of the game, will make your adrenaline pump. Star Fox became a total game-changer in Nintendo games.


Earthbound is an exquisite SNES game packed with an exciting storyline. It features a modern-day genre, making it one of the unique RPGs today. It is also filled with some frightening sci-fi background music in its gameplay.

The main story of Earthbound focuses on four kids saving the world. What makes this game different is that the dark and complex topics are presented very lightheartedly.

The Legend of Zelda

If you are a fan of open-world exploration themes, you should probably try The Legend of Zelda. This SNES game’s storyline is about Link and Zelda’s team-up rescuing Hyrule from the game’s antagonist, Ganon.


In conclusion, this list is a big help for choosing a SNES game that suits your preference. You have ten different choices to select from the action, intense, eerie to fun, and joyful genres.