In a television series, character development is often a delicate balance between consistency and evolution. It’s a fine line to tread, and sometimes, a single misstep can spell disaster for even the most beloved characters. Across different genres, creative decisions regarding character development have sometimes generated debate among fans on their suitability. Breaking Bad‘s Skyler White’s character (Anna Gunn) has been criticized for her drastic developmental change, from becoming the moral compass on the show to getting involved in Walt’s drug empire. Her involvement meant a deviation from the moral character we’d come to expect, making her story less sympathetic — though still entertaining. Game of Thrones‘ fan favorite Jon Snow (Kit Harington) shifted from a warrior whose loyalty was to protecting his people to a romantic who was willing to do anything for his girlfriend, eliciting sharp criticism. In Suits, Donna Paulsen’s meteoric rise from secretary to Senior Partner to Chief Operating Officer (COO) in record time stands out as an example of how even the best intentions can mar the integrity of a character.
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