
Tips On How To Overcome Car Accident Trauma

Trauma is one of the most common yet unspoken injuries suffered by many accident victims. While most severe cases qualify for post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis, a majority of minor ones go undiagnosed and untreated.

According to NIMH (the National Institute of Mental Health), people who qualify to receive a PTSD diagnosis typically exhibit flashbacks or often re experience the trauma and typically avoid encounters or situations that trigger anxiety. In most cases, victims become reactive and experience thought or mood changes due to the event that caused trauma.

Tension, difficulty sleeping, bad dreams, flashbacks, angry outbursts, negative thinking, distorted thinking, or loss of enjoyment in activities that were of interest before the incident are all common signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. For individuals to receive a PTSD diagnosis, they must exhibit a cluster of some of the symptoms mentioned here.

How to Overcome Trauma Caused by a Car Accident

People who exhibit one or two PTSD symptoms will typically experience some form of trauma that doesn’t necessarily require them to receive a PTSD diagnosis. If you’ve been involved in a car accident and believe you are experiencing mild forms of trauma, there are several things that you can do to get over the ordeal. Here’s a look at some things you should consider doing:

Seek Social Support

A study published by the Huffington Post suggests that a key indicator that an individual will soon overcome trauma is if the person has a social support network. As an accident victim, make sure you seek the company of people you trust; that is, people you feel comfortable discussing your ordeal with freely. If you do not have someone you can open up to, consider finding and joining a support group within your locality.

Understand that You Aren’t Alone

When it comes to trauma, many people wrongly assume that it’s something extreme that only affects other people. However, it is worth noting that trauma is a common thing. Some people experience trauma after getting a cancer diagnosis, after going through a difficult personal experience, and after watching a particularly-stressful event unfold.

Considering that many people get involved in a car accident daily, chances are there’s a large number of individuals who suffer trauma silently. Acknowledging that you aren’t alone can be inspiring, especially when it comes to seeking help from the people around you or speaking out about trauma.

Think About How Trauma’s Changed the Way You Relate with the World

One thing about trauma is that it is not easily forgotten and tends to linger. Instead of trying to forget the experience, consider how it’s altered the way you relate or interact with some experiences. After being involved in an accident, some people vow to become safe driving advocates or to turn off their phones while driving.

Consider Speaking to a Counselor

Even if you do not qualify for a post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis, speaking to a counselor can be of help. Counselors help victims reflect on how the accident changed them and give them the tools they need to move forward.

Get in Touch with a Personal Injury Attorney

Counseling can sometimes be quite costly and is not always covered by your insurance. If you’re having a hard time trying to recover from the trauma you experienced after an accident, read the Texas accident bible.

Our attorneys understand the different challenges car accident victims suffer as they try to overcome trauma. Considering that the recovery process is often quite costly, we can help you receive the compensation you are entitled to for your damages and losses.