What the Bible Says About Strength and Courage

Be strong and courageous, for you will give evidence of it to the world. – Joshua 1:9 The Bible is filled with reminders that we’re not alone in our struggles. God has given us each other as a support system—as friends who can help carry one another through the hard times and encourage one another to keep fighting. In the Bible, we see several examples of people who brought strength and courage to their circumstances. These individuals may have faced challenges that are unlike anything we can imagine today, but their experiences can teach us a lot about how to find our strength and courage when facing similar situations. So what does the Bible say about strength and courage? Keep reading to find out.

Be Strong

While it’s important to be strong in the face of adversity, it’s also important to know that sometimes strength isn’t enough. Strength is the ability to endure and persevere through difficult situations. Strength is the ability to keep going even when you don’t want to. Strength is the ability to rise above your circumstances and to keep moving forward even when you don’t have the energy to do so. Strength is a vital part of the process of healing, but it’s not the only part. It’s important to remember that although it is important to be strong, strength isn’t always the answer. Sometimes you will have to find other ways to cope with your pain or deal with traumatic experiences.

Be Courageous

Courage is a special strength that allows you to go beyond the call of duty. It is not simply being strong. It is going beyond what is expected of you. It is rising above your circumstances and doing what needs to be done in order to help others. Courage isn’t something that you are born with. It’s something that you learn over time. It is developed through good role-models and experiences. Courage isn’t something that is always easy to find either. It takes practice and perseverance to develop. You don’t have to be perfect to show courage. In fact, many of the greatest heroes in history had lots of flaws. They simply chose to do the right thing in spite of their imperfections.

Know That You Are Not Fighting This Battle Alone

In many ways, the most important thing you can do is simply remember that you are not fighting this battle alone. You have God on your side, and you have a support system in your friends and loved ones. You have a community that is rooting for you, and you have a God who is in control of all things. This is something that many of the people in the Bible remembered as they struggled with their circumstances. When the Israelites were struggling to find water and fighting with the Canaanites, they remembered that they were not fighting alone. Moses reminded them that they were God’s chosen people—that God would watch over them and support them in their struggles and that he would eventually bring them to a better place. When Paul was imprisoned, he remembered that he was not fighting this battle alone. He knew that God was with him in his struggles, and he wrote about how comforting this knowledge was for him. Remember that you are not fighting this battle alone. God is with you.

Trust God In Your Struggle

In addition to remembering that you are not fighting this battle alone, it is also important to remember that God is in control of all things. This can be difficult to do when you’re struggling, but it is important to trust God in your struggle. God is a good God. He is with you in your struggles, and he is guiding you in the right direction. He has a plan for your life, and he is working all things together for your good. It can be easy to trust God in your struggles when everything is going well. But it’s in the tough times when you really have to trust God and remember that everything will be okay. When Joseph was sold into slavery and put in prison for a crime that he didn’t commit, he could have turned his back on God. After all, his circumstances didn’t seem very promising. But he trusted God and remembered that God was in control of all things. He remembered that God was a good God and that God would eventually bring good out of this situation.

Lean on the Support of Others

In addition to remembering that you are not fighting this battle alone and trusting God in your struggle, it is important to lean on the support of others. It is important to have a support system of people who are rooting for you, who want to see you succeed, and who want to be there for you on your journey. This can be difficult in the beginning, but it is important to find people who support you, who love you, and who are willing to be there for you when you need them. This support system can be made up of family members, friends, or even a support group. It can be as simple as talking to your best friend when you need to let some things out or as involved as joining a support group for individuals who are struggling with similar issues as you are. It is important to lean on the support of others when you need it. Don’t feel bad about asking for help. It is okay to admit that you need someone. It is okay to admit that you don’t have all of the answers. It is okay to admit that you need help.

Take Care of Yourself

In addition to remembering that you are not fighting this battle alone, trusting God in your struggle, and leaning on the support of others, it is important to take care of yourself. It is important to make sure that you are living a healthy lifestyle. This means eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and taking time for yourself. This can be difficult to do when you are struggling, but it is important to take care of yourself. This is one of the best things that you can do in order to make sure that you have the energy and strength that you need to get through your struggles. It is important to take time each day to do things that make you feel good. This can be as simple as reading a book or taking a walk or as involved as going to the gym or meditating. Whatever you decide to do, it is important to take time each day to do something that makes you feel good.


Strength and courage are essential parts of life. While it’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles, it’s also important to remember that it is okay to ask for help. It’s okay to lean on the support of others when you’re going through something difficult. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to admit that you need help. It’s okay to admit that you don’t have all of the answers. It’s okay to admit that you need help. And most importantly, it’s okay to ask for God’s help. Remember that you are not alone in your struggles, and remember that God is with you in your struggles.

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