Why is my gum swollen?

If you’ve ever asked yourself: “Why is my gum swollen?” you might have a few possible reasons. While you can take care of most swollen gums on your own, it may be necessary to see a dentist to rule out any serious issues. Swollen and reddened gingiva is a common sign of a more serious underlying condition. Thankfully, most cases can be resolved without any dental intervention.

why is my gum swollen

A gum swollen condition called gingivitis is caused by bacteria that grow in the mouth and can cause inflammation. It’s a common symptom of a more serious problem. If your gums are red and swollen after brushing or flossing, it might be a sign that your gums are causing gum recession. It’s important to visit a dentist right away if you have swollen, red, or tender teeth. A dentist can give you a prescription for low-dose oral antibiotics, as well as medicated mouthwash.

If you’ve got swollen gums due to gingivitis, you’re probably experiencing the symptoms of gingivitis. Typically, your swollen gums will go away on their own within ten to fourteen days. If you’re concerned, however, you should consult your dentist right away. Even though gingivitis doesn’t cause any pain at first, it can lead to gum disease, which in turn can lead to tooth loss.

Although a swollen gum around a single tooth may be an indicator of a more serious dental problem, you should visit your dentist right away if the condition persists for more than a week. It’s also important to get regular dental checkups if you experience additional symptoms. If your gums are painful, you should visit a dentist to see if you have gingivitis.

If your gums are swollen, you may have a gum disease. If you’re not sure, you should seek dental care. In some cases, a swollen, red gum is an indicator of a more serious dental problem. In this case, you should consult your dentist to determine the exact cause of your swollen, red gums. If you’re concerned about the swelling of your gums, you should get checked out by your dentist.

A gum problem can be caused by a number of causes. Sometimes gums swell as a result of a mistreatment. Similarly, when you suffer an injury to your knee, your body will react by mobilizing cells that are vital for the healing process. If your gums are infected with bacteria, you should see a dentist right away. Otherwise, your gums may look swollen and red.

You may notice that your gums have become swollen or reddened after brushing and flossing. The swelling may also be a result of a mouth sore or an abscess, a collection of pus surrounding a tooth. It’s best to contact your dentist as soon as you notice any symptoms, even if it’s only temporary. The swollen gum is often an indication of a larger problem, like a tooth root infection or an underlying infection.

If you’re worried that your gums are swollen, your dentist can help you find the underlying cause and treat it. In most cases, gum swelling is caused by gingivitis, a bacterial infection. Fortunately, the condition is easily treated, and in most cases, it can clear up on its own. You can even treat it yourself with saltwater solution, twice a day.

If you’re concerned about the cause of your gum swollen gums, you should visit your dentist. You can try home remedies, such as applying a cold compress, but you should see a dentist if you have any additional symptoms. Swollen and red gums can also be an indication of a more serious underlying issue, such as gum disease. You should always visit your dentist if you notice any of these symptoms.

While you’re likely to experience swelling in your gums, it’s important to seek immediate dental care. The swelling may be the result of gum disease, or it could be a sign of other dental problems. Your dentist will be able to diagnose any underlying issues and recommend the best treatment for your swollen gums. If you haven’t seen a dentist in a while, you should be aware of the symptoms.