Why Study the Bible

Why study the Bible

Most articles on studying the Bible dive right into the subject. This article will ask the question “Why study the Bible?” This question is both practical as well as foundational. This is practical because we’ll learn the real reasons why Bible study is important. However, it is foundational because it will prepare for future discussions about the importance of Bible reading.

These are just eight reasons to study the Bible, but it is not an exhaustive list.

  • Cultural literacy
  • Learn more about it firsthand
  • Personal edification
  • To help others
  • Jesus
  • Because it is God’s Word for us
  • To know God better
  • Avoiding errors

Cultural Literacy

Studying the Bible can be used to increase cultural literacy. E.D. Hirsch wrote, “To be culturally-literate means to have the basic information necessary to thrive in today’s world.” E.D. Hirsch, Cultural Literacy, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company 1987, xiii. The Bible is a treasure trove of cultural literacy. The Bible is often referenced in art, literature, philosophy, law, and religion. It is important to know what the Bible has to say.

Many phrases and figures of speech have their roots in the Bible. These include being a Good Samaritan, the foolishness of letting blind people lead blind, going the extra mile, and ethical maxims like “do unto other as you would have them unto you,” manna coming from heaven, and many more. Hirsch believes the Bible is so essential to cultural literacy, that it appears first on his Dictionary of Cultural Literacy.

What Does It Mean?

The Bible’s firsthand account is another reason to read it. History has shown that the Bible is not to be ignored, regardless of whether one is a critic or a supporter. It is worth studying, given its importance to three major world religions, namely Judaism and Christianity.

It is also worth studying because of the rise in hostile criticism of the Bible and religion generally. Sometimes critics don’t always correctly quote the Bible or put it in context. It is important to understand the context and what the Bible says. This helps you understand not only the current events but also key ideas that the Bible addresses, such as God’s nature and existence, human condition, and the biblical pattern for redemption, salvation, and ethics.

Personal Education

The Bible has been used for personal edification and history for thousands of years. While this is an important reason to study the Bible for believers, it is also very useful for those not believing in God. The Bible is filled with people facing moral dilemmas, life challenges and situations that can be applied to our lives today. Paul said, “All Scripture, God-breathed, is useful for teaching and rebuking. It is also corrective and training in righteousness. So that the man of God might be thoroughly equipped to do all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV).

We have the Bible to help us learn not only intellectually, but also on a personal and spiritual level.

To help others

The Bible isn’t just for us as individuals. It can also be used to help others. It is also useful in helping others.

It is possible to study the Bible and help others. This is not only for priests, pastors, or ministers. Knowing the Bible’s teachings on various subjects can help us to encourage others, support them, and so forth.


The New Testament accounts of Jesus Christ’s life, ministry, and resurrection are the culmination of the Bible for Christians. Even though Christ’s ministry and life were over 2000 years ago, they are still relevant today. Christ is not to be overlooked, regardless of how you view Him, just like the Bible. Jesus Christ is not a distant prophet or an irrelevant figure in history. He is the foundation of Christianity. Anyone can gain a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and His mission by studying the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, Luke, Luke, and John.

God’s Word for Us

The Bible is God’s Word for people all over the globe. The Bible is the result of God’s inspiration. It contains special revelation, which theologians refer to as divine revelation. God chose to reveal Himself through creation and conscience as well as through Jesus and His Word. For those who love God and want to follow Him, studying the Bible is an easy task.

You can learn more about the things you should know.

The Bible is God’s Word. Studying it can help you to get to know God better. We learn not only about the attributes and nature of God through His words, but also His plans for each one of us. We also learn about God’s plan for history, His sovereignty and providence, as well as His love. The Bible is the only source of information we have about God. However, we can get to know God better with the Bible.

Avoiding error

Theological errors can also be avoided by studying the Bible. According to the Bible, we are told to “watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Timothy 4:6 NIV), and that “we must teach what is consistent with sound doctrine” (2 Timothy 2 NIV). The inspired words of the Bible will guide us to avoid errors if we consider it our authority on faith and life. The Bible gives us a solid foundation in God’s truth, rather than the world’s errors. This is important in a pluralistic world where many religions and other ideas vie for our attention. The Bible can also be used to answer questions and respond to errors.

What’s Next?

As we’ve seen, there are many reasons why studying the Bible is important. This series also includes articles on how to study the Bible and devotional Bible studies, as well as family Bible study and in-depth Bible studies. The Bible isn’t just for scholars and theologians. It is God’s Word written plainly for all. We will discuss the importance of Bible reading and how it applies to daily life. The Bible is not a boring or monotonous book. It is the inspired, authoritative Word of God. It helps us to build up in order to serve, love, and glorify God and His Son Jesus Christ as we were created.