Youtube Studio: Everything You Need to Know About Youtube Studios

Youtube Studio

YouTube creators are probably aware of the various monetization options available on YouTube. From ads to sponsorships, merch sales, and more, there are plenty of ways to generate revenue from your videos. Today we’ll be talking about one such new feature that was recently announced by Google: Youtube Studios. Youtube Studios will allow video creators who have a business presence or an audience beyond just their own videos to take advantage of additional monetization opportunities. This means that it’s possible for creators who already have a regular income through other means to earn additional income from their work. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about YouTube Studios so that you can decide if it’s something that might benefit you in the future.

What is YouTube Studios?

YouTube Studios, as the name suggests, is a new monetization feature that was announced by Google. It’s a separate ecosystem that’s designed to give video creators who have a large fanbase some extra ways to earn money from their videos. What exactly is the benefit of this over standard ad revenue? First off, let’s go over what the benefits of this new monetization feature are. – Different monetization options – YouTube Studios will give creators access to different monetization options that are not otherwise available to them. – Monetize on different platforms – Since YouTube Studio videos can be monetized on various platforms, including YouTube, Google Search, Google Ads, and more, it’s possible to earn money from a broad audience. If a lot of people see your videos and see your ads, then you’ll potentially earn a lot of revenue. – Increased revenue – If a creator already has a regular income through ads, sponsorships, and other revenue sources, then YouTube Studios can help to increase that income. For example, if a creator has $100/month in monthly ad revenue, but joins YouTube Studios, they could potentially earn an additional $100/month. That’s a lot of extra money!

How Does YouTube Studios Work?

Google has very carefully laid out their rules for YouTube Studios. Here are the basics. – You need at least 1,000 lifetime views on your channel and 10,000 lifetime subscribers in order to be eligible to apply for YouTube Studios. – You must be earning ad revenue on your main channel to be eligible to join. – Once approved, you have 90 days to generate revenue from your videos via YouTube Studios. – There’s no guarantee that you’ll earn money. There are no auditing or verification processes. It’s entirely based on how well you monetize your videos. – Google will automatically lower your monthly earnings when you have money in your account. – After 90 days, you’re no longer allowed to monetize your videos on YouTube Studio. They’re now dedicated solely to monetization.

Advertisements in YouTube Videos with YouTube Ads

Ads on YouTube videos can be used to generate revenue for creators. This is only available in YouTube Studios, and it’s based on a system similar to what can be found on YouTube partner channels. The system is a bit different for it, however. It works by letting advertisers choose the type of content where the ads will appear. They can choose between a range of categories, including gaming, DIY, health and beauty, and more. Once an advertiser has chosen what content to promote, it’s then up to the creator to choose which videos to use the ads in. This gives the advertisers control over what they promote, while giving the creators the opportunity to earn money from video advertisements.

Sponsorships and Partnership programmes

Sponsorships are another way to earn money from your videos on YouTube Studios. You can choose to allow brands to sponsor your videos for different amounts, similar to how advertisements work above. Here’s the thing, though: these sponsorships are only allowed in YouTube Studios. This means that you can’t offer sponsorships on your main channel and monetize your YouTube videos with these sponsorships. They’re only available via your YouTube Studios account. Sponsorships are useful in that they let you accept recurring sponsorship deals without having to take them out each month. You can set up a sponsorship deal where the sponsor pays you every 30 days, and you can offer this to brands without having to take out individual deals.

Merchandise and Store Sales

Youtube Studios also lets creators sell merchandise and tickets to events via their videos. Once again, these items can be sold via YouTube Studios only. You can sell prints, shirts, hoodies, and more, and you can set prices and sell the items via your YouTube account. All the money from these sales will be held in an account separate from your YouTube account. This means that if YouTube were to shut down, you would still be able to sell your merchandise via your account. The money from these sales will be put towards paying the creator’s monthly YouTube Studio revenue. These are just a few of the monetization options available via YouTube Studios. There are many more, and we’ll go over them in greater detail in the next section.


YouTube is a great source of traffic and exposure for many video creators, so it’s not surprising that they’re actively working on ways to increase the amount of money that their fans are willing to spend on their work. By introducing YouTube Studios as a monetization option, Google is opening up more opportunities for creators to earn money. This can be a really helpful tool, especially for those who have a large fanbase and who have a steady income from other sources.

Youtube Studio Video Tutorial